
dragon inside

dragon inside

27 Plays

06 Jun 2022

All men are born with s Dragon inside!... the dragon sleeps but it surely alive, you never know until it awakes... and when it does we're surely going to break down,...! our heads start pounding we're getting hot,... next thing you know somebody's getting shot...rattatststatatat,..... why are we so angry,...?? how did this come be? yeah I think I know it's a dragon that lives inside me! yeah I'm certain,I think I known!!!!,.... it was the dragon that put a tag on our toes...... so maybe next time we'll go and pray and save our egos for another day, cuz it's our power hungry,inferior selfishishness disease with our macho ego that just sits and testers inside to be in control of everything seems to be the male ego drive,so like poison we feed the dragon these things that make it stronger, keep it alive,we get it reason to make us collide, so save yourself bro and save me too, don't wake the dragon if you know it's best for you bro peace☮️ love each other like you would like to be love,and as far as respect,give everybody respect right from the first moment you meet until they give you reason not too. it's that easy. Tame your inner dragon and keep it at ease by doing things that are pure of intention and pleasing to your creator and this will bring about peace in your life and also peace into others,bless you all as you learn to tame your inner beast...peace☮️


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2 years ago

my first kick at the can .. no clue as to how this all works yet🤣

I wan hear more from you keep working bro ✅🔥🤧

Different Bars: Can improve 👏 Delivery: Can improve 👏 Impression: Can improve 👏

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