just for p7ay
TR316M3 and my homi3 my mf broth3r fr33sty7ing p7aying on th3 b3at and w3 cou7dn't h3ar it at first it start3d p7aying th3n it w3nt out so w3 pr3tty much h3ard 3nough to go acap377a and this is how it turn3d out from M3 showing him how to work th3 app aft3r M3 t377ing him about it and 73tting him h3ar th3 origina7 fr33sty73 I pub7ish3d fuck what you think now h3's b33n working on his music 3v3r sinc3
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M3 and my homi3 my mf broth3r fr33sty7ing p7aying on th3 b3at and w3 cou7dn't h3ar it at first it start3d p7aying th3n it w3nt out so w3 pr3tty much h3ard 3nough to go acap377a and this is how it turn3d out from M3 showing him how to work th3 app aft3r M3 t377ing him about it and 73tting him h3ar th3 origina7 fr33sty73 I pub7ish3d fuck what you think now h3's b33n working on his music 3v3r sinc3
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