John Johnson
John Johnson



21 Plays

02 May 2022

let me tell you bout a story bout a man you never heard before bout the legacy that he lived and everything he stood for everything he loved in the world but most of all the love that he had for the whole entire human life formed and created from his God and the things that money or not anything else been paid for but the last days to roam around the streets and hometown and even the united States of the Americas sharing heritage to the world he knew what they were used to was hate greed envy evil and wicked things he knew about all and seen but couldn't find out a way yet to opportunity of a peace on earth to live for a time for the future present and the past to be grateful for and protect the people from violence and satanic force and to love one another and give every now and then to stop abortion and give to charity when it was a good time but not to brealk hisself or even want respect for but to show sopport and settled the score of the ppl that never been there for shore or a way to make it happen over night but not right now for sure i knew he was destined for this in the break of the sun coming up over the horizon and this was the best thing to be thankful for and the fact that he needed you and never lost patience for but he continues on onward marching like soldiers but heroes of the people who always been like him and the lust for a open door but not to close it when the next man wouldn't even hold it for a few things just to cherish and have respect for each other just out of the most courageous people he knew they were


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2 years ago

let me tell you bout a story bout a man you never heard before bout the legacy that he lived and everything he stood for everything he loved in the world but most of all the love that he had for the whole entire human life formed and created from his God and the things that money or not anything else been paid for but the last days to roam around the streets and hometown and even the united States of the Americas sharing heritage to the world he knew what they were used to was hate greed envy evil and wicked things he knew about all and seen but couldn't find out a way yet to opportunity of a peace on earth to live for a time for the future present and the past to be grateful for and protect the people from violence and satanic force and to love one another and give every now and then to stop abortion and give to charity when it was a good time but not to brealk hisself or even want respect for but to show sopport and settled the score of the ppl that never been there for shore or a way to make it happen over night but not right now for sure i knew he was destined for this in the break of the sun coming up over the horizon and this was the best thing to be thankful for and the fact that he needed you and never lost patience for but he continues on onward marching like soldiers but heroes of the people who always been like him and the lust for a open door but not to close it when the next man wouldn't even hold it for a few things just to cherish and have respect for each other just out of the most courageous people he knew they were

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