Just some stupid shit πŸ˜‚

Just some stupid shit πŸ˜‚


I only made this as a joke tbh. I was chilling with a friend of mine a while back walking to get pizza, and while I was just thinking of lyrics in my head, this is what came to me πŸ˜† nothing serious, just some stupid shit, lol. I don't think it's hard to get the lyrics to this, but in case heres the lyrics to this trash rap I madeπŸ˜‚ LYRICS: "Yeah, your mom's a hoe, but so is mine, we're gonna have pizza in no time, we're gonna go home and play online, were gonna annoy people on the mic, to entertain our boring lives, yeah, wel kick back, and have a slice, as my cat tries to kill mics, while my parents are in the kitchen playing dice, wel be in gta5, planning a heist, so we can get twice as many drinks when we go to the club, with all the sluts, and thugs on drugs, itl be fun, then once we're done, I'll slap him on his bum with a pointy stick from the ground, and make a quick run, before he hits me with a metal club, just joking, we don't abuse each other like that, we have too much respect and love for each other as brothers." this was probably the stupidest rap I've ever made, and ever will make, but idc cause it still made my friends and I laugh despite being very short πŸ˜† was just messing with random rhymes for fun.


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2 years ago

Talk yo shittt homie check out #mercy5

new out again let me know what you think about it #markivyπŸ”₯πŸ‘ˆ

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