Lorenzo Garcia
Lorenzo Garcia

Questions Everything

Questions Everything

271 Plays


23 Apr 2022

I'm still here u thought I was finish this is barely the beginning im sick and tried how everyone threatening each other no more killing and fighting with each other we all living on one universe even tho it feel like the ocean and earth is curse still feels like everything getting worse day by day im still doing the best I can on this earth even tho I lost all my love ones since birth something don't feel right seems like time shifts someone changing every little thing how we live taking the love ones away the ones we grew up with just the don't feel right I can't be the only one thinking about this don't lie there someone dead we do miss what if this life wasn't meant for them to live but help us prepare for bad events trying to warn us how things really is do you think when we die we live another life in a different time way before now we all must live to tell the story to say what happen here on earth than keeping moving forward and the cycle repeat itself until we do something right what if we getting re tries to do something amazing until we actually have a affect on history its a mystery do you think things will differently what if all the wars we lost and our enemies had victory seems like everything happen for a reason its meant to be this way if things never happen in the past we won't be here today I got questions about everything im just curious i just gotta know I feel like everyone one time travel and went back in time to fix there errors when we living our lives and dealing with our mistakes and keeping moving forward trying to survive and have a life while we work hard until we die how are people here billionaires when our universe and earth still struggling feel like we never gonna change to be rich just poor and keep searching what we looking for


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1 year ago

Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

2 years ago

Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

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