"I've BEEN Different"
HuMan speLchek✔You're not hallucinating, I just dropped 2 dope (((3Ň1)))Collabs with my Brother Wikd Ymmit. You're welcome. 🧩Piece...✌🏼Peace, spəŁchək✔ 💯🤜🏾🤛🏼💯 1️⃣🌏1️⃣❤ #WEDIFFERENTcollab #GetspeLcheked @wikdymmit 🗣🔊The 💣HASHTAG#BOMB💣🔥 is Lit! 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1......booooooom🤭😯 💥🔥💨🔥💨💨🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥💨💨💥💨💥💨💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥💨💥💨🔥💥💨💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥💥🔥💥💥💥💨🔥💥💨🔥💥💥🔥🔥🔥💨💨💥🔥💨💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💨💨🔥💨🔥💥💨💥🔥💨💥🔥💨💥🔥💨💥🔥🔥💥🔥💥💨💨💥🔥💨💥💨💥💨🔥💥💨🔥💥🔥🔥💥🔥💨💥💨💥🔥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥🔥💨💥💨💥💥🔥💥💥🔥💥🔥💥💥🔥💨💥🔥 @moderator_en @rapfame_ar_team @RapFame_socials @RapFame_de @RapFame_innovation #moderator_en @moder_judge_en @bmvideo @BmFeatures @bmgrind @bmbest @rapfametv @rapfamebest @kingvigi @chriscarr @rapfame_ar #rapfame #2021 #47 #BmBattles #HIPHOP #RAPGODKILLA #1 #feature #featured #music #NewJoint #barz #fire #heat #flow #banger #2021Best #beats #realrap #Artist #BmFeature #dope #2021heat @sixfamseveninnit @hop666 @kray336 @big3low702 @hypervelocity2078 @woods501 @mr.smif @sinless @omegaalpha @litshit @grumpy8fifty @originalzazu @blugotti @brellygdagoat @god_mode_ @jamesking.208 @burnt_reynoldz @hizzory @kingofgunhill @zacklegge @deeprince @kleashy @biscuit252 @jessd. @rot1 @realkillerleprechaun @reallukahill @Arrows @Rainydayz @aliefbaby @Yohoehouse @Mr.Notorious187211 @ArmyofOne905 @Khaos843 @lit_witty @drum87 @wintafresh21 @fortune500 @mikeydevious @Spencerslade @youawakeyet @spelcheksqueen @mr.notorious187211 @dkny @holyghostt @Indiana.jeff @nuke2807 @youngvetta22 @Y2Clay @rugburns @progr3ss @apgunz @lyricalprodigy @maineevent @MISSxViCiOUS @killermami @sigo21 @newjerseylord @maddmaxxdadon @grasshopper2.0 @miss_disrespectful @IMMACULATE @FLOWSOCOLD100 @vincentwildclayduve @jlynjane @tha.truth777 @adamdascott @brianj @charliemac @Japanda @chriskobain @barzoffire @xxxdominoxxx @woodywood44 @lacedupblvd4r0mda4 @ozark @MCjoed @its_chris @Cecilialove @itscakesmf @crazydave123 @jamiecorkinx @rise01f @ziplock @sierranicole_ily2 @drastik7 @kingmoney.9857 @truerhymesmkot @prospectsouth @gr8whitehype @sykosick @flo.172607 @jstax580 @lordsplourde @tmbeatz @thebratt @luckyslevs @brodezzy @IBSavage @albinoreptile @droozybeats @ghayesbaby @shyflamezz @jmoney_moneyswypez @djcntracers @26kinhumane @YaDatMe23 @MAFIAQUEEN @yingandyang @trashydapunisher @mr.kaotic @brianengram.1933 @slopone @thrusky916 @daerizak @superman14 @black909 @randythesavage @viperthevicious @mr.Birmingham205 @netmad @hennofreestyleking @lyricalpassion @iamfeathalee @yellowresonantwarrior
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better come better than this
What happened to you my brother. did you hit the crack and lost control of yourself. muthafuka better not be in jail.
This is real heat man I know how you be with the drops. And this is really nice one of my favorite right now 9/10 impression because you can always get better 💯
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