Joes Mimz
Joes Mimz

Joes Mimz gritters

Joes Mimz gritters

51 Plays

08 Apr 2022

I gritters like filters i got bring all the pillars and cut them with a scissors don't worry about the figures I'll won't miss am with the builders in the way men we real differs am not like the other singers all ma big buds are victors as they say predictors but those i call'em sisters was it hard, to act like, thinkers maybe they made the stickers all ma niggers are down the givers am giving the credit to rivers don't, mention, withers land with bad weathers ain't the things that we could measure carry on with whoever shut up losing never can't you see am with the plumber Mimz just making a statement i didn't say we'in engagement party is over let, the hawk go am loving this never let go

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