Issa Bingo
Issa Bingo

My life

My life

16 Plays

27 Mar 2022

Issa bingo:My life Song:My life has been tough My live has been rough My life has been tough My live has been rough My life My lifo My life My lifo My life has been tough but I survive I cry every night coz I'm missing my mom Hit man were sent to kill her Now I sleep with one eye open Who knows what might happen Who knows what the Devil's planning Now I advocate My mom used to comprehend But I'm doing it different The other way around But my life My lifo My life My lifo My lifo My life I was thinking about suicide Maybe it will help stop the pain I feel deep inside The pain destroying my heart The pain destroying my other body part Is it drugs Destroying my lungs and life [Puff Puff] What shall I do God what Should I pray Should I read the Bible Should I wait Or should I lit a million candles Should I go to church Should I wait to die or should I fight the devil Dear god I'm suffocating I just got a lot of thinking The pain and other memories I got no kid's no family Should I wait to die Must I get a wife and get married Must I get a side chick to help me Must I spend my money To god Or should I join illuminate Should I kneel down and thank the Lord Or should I kill and go and perform as a demon do all evil Adding stress to my life To the people that I love To the people that I care about Why My lifo My life My lifo My life

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