Craeg Kyle
Craeg Kyle

one man's wealth

one man's wealth

828 Plays

24 Mar 2022

I am hungry my mind is rumbling no not my belly I'm not starved of  any edible substance/I take what I hear with reluctance /propaganda in abundance I have to admit my school days were disrupted/ knew from a young age what they were telling me was corrupted I now crave knowledge to fill my brain up so I can pass on the knowledge as a must time was wasted now I wish to get myself more educated/ quicksharp before I become more integrated/  no I'm not stupid in fact I'm very clever/ but there is still a lot of information I have to gather/  there are too many questions to which we need grasping  but it's hard to see the truth through all the lies that there masting/ And it's even harder when all the lies are from the establishmet/ if you speak the truth you get tied up like your a madman / see I just want to shed a bit of light upon the darkness/ and find a bit of peace within all of the Madness /but there will never will be peace this is a war on consciousness / when greedy corporations bought the law and they fought for it /they don't want people who are spiritually in touch/ they sever all ties to try to earn so much/ it is Greed and it runs the Elite/ and there Killing off this planet and they Laugh as it bleeds/ they own a fleet of highly evolved primates/ who carry out the evil deeds and don't even bat an eyelid/  the worse thing is that they actually think they are doing the right thing/ we are living in an evil materialistic nightmare/ it's left my mind warped lost inside the sixth dimension/ I'm suffocating depressed under all the mental tension/ the doctors say it's just another case of depression/ I'm just another statistic shits that's just what there guessing/ fuck it they need to sell all there medicines to keep people sick and keep us all dependent/ because it is a market and we are the product/sold by the governments and owned by the monarchs/ no we are not free men we pay for the queen's bed/ a family of inbreds we have to do what she says/I say fuck you and that nasty husband too and the evil empire build on a pile of bodies try deny it /all the innocent lifes centurys of genocide oh we'll keep that quiet/we are the ones that should start the rise/ no shit but we don't /but we need to revolt/we need to destroy this system in which we are involved/because corrupt politics is Killing humanities soul/ the ground should be shaking under our mass awakening/ age of internet you choose your education/  not this shit we get spoon fed/I've studied our nation's history and to honest im quite ashamed of it/ if there was a god the one percents wealth would get stripped/ distributed between the poor and the sick/but there's no god it's just a manmade myth/ one person's wealth could end world poverty if you can't see the problem your what the problem is,/one person's wealth could end world poverty if you can't see the problem your what the problem is ,                                   CK R@. 01/07/14


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