3 Plays

09 Mar 2022

My incentive depends on GODS BLESSING Expressed Beyond Expected A BOND Protected when Mom's been stressing the mess extensive wreckless pest set in the ways Hes stepping every second suppress the expected no guess tested & Blessed With THE BEST PROTECTION My incentive is GODS BLESSING Beyond Expected A BOND Protected plus ➕ Mom's been stressing mess extensive measure wreckless pest set in his ways of stepping venting aggression repressed predestined tension no questions don't mention the quest for perception less no guess I've been left with attemp confession when tempted Expressive Weapon inventive when I've repented West the direction I'm led to head in by the end send them around the bend when men pretend greed of the not so needy exceedingly leaving it hard to breathe no sympathy felt for the weak they pass by on the street seeming completely unconcerned to me plus grumpy to some degree but it's funny running from a bunny you flee the scene pumping hands & feet rabbit has plans to leave at last from his blood comes the running speed increase needed plans to land the treat each fan he meets tanned from expanding heat a tad unique Grand Understanding Wide spanned Wisdom sings Loudly rings King Praising a lady making his baby a breathing thing Amazing my Angels Wings Craving places a ways passed HEAVENS GATES in ETERNITY!!!


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2 years ago

My incentive depends on GODS BLESSING Expressed Beyond Expected A BOND Protected when Mom's been stressing the mess extensive wreckless pest set in the ways Hes stepping every second suppress the expected no guess tested & Blessed With THE BEST PROTECTION My incentive is GODS BLESSING Beyond Expected A BOND Protected plus ➕ Mom's been stressing mess extensive measure wreckless pest set in his ways of stepping venting aggression repressed predestined tension no questions don't mention the quest for perception less no guess I've been left with attemp confession when tempted Expressive Weapon inventive when I've repented West the direction I'm led to head in by the end send them around the bend when men pretend greed of the not so needy exceedingly leaving it hard to breathe no sympathy felt for the weak they pass by on the street seeming completely unconcerned to me plus grumpy to some degree but it's funny running from a bunny you flee the scene pumping hands & feet rabbit has plans to leave at last from his blood comes the running speed increase needed plans to land the treat each fan he meets tanned from expanding heat a tad unique Grand Understanding Wide spanned Wisdom sings Loudly rings King Praising a lady making his baby a breathing thing Amazing my Angels Wings Craving places a ways passed HEAVENS GATES in ETERNITY!!!

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