I Miss

45 Plays

11 Feb 2022

Yeah, im sitting here in my room overthinking and concentrating, my life is hard i miss when i was with yall, now that yall split my mind is fucked over, i remember the last Christmas, yall got the things i wanted together, 2 days later yall argue and split, that hurt me didn't know why, till today i figure out, why? i javent got a full story and i dont wanna die, i look in the sky and i cant move, my legs are numb and my arms are hurt, dont ask how im doing just look at me and notcie, i miss yall together, and the days we had fun and gathers, now that its all done i have to rely on my heart cause its the only way im gonna get out this hurt, im bleeding and i broke my cleats, first dat of football yall cheered for me, now that im here alone with the ppl i dont wann be with, but if my life relys on this safety my soul and heart is put here, ik that yall wont do it again, but i wanna have quality time, but as my soul hurts and my arms burn, i see the way yall felt, dont worry my life isnt ruined, my soul is the one who tells me how it is, but everything thing js last, and life is short, might feel long, but ill never heal from the pain im on. yeah i just miss the old us... and i wish i could reverse life and change that but i cant!

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