Joshua Perry
Joshua Perry

Won't let go free Style

Won't let go free Style

18 Plays

28 Jan 2022

I will never let go/ even if the rose 🌹 dies in the warm/ not cold/ I shall not be/ defeated/ where im planted/ with my two feet/ until all/ shall/ see/ that we/ all have hearts/ to belive/ yes every honesly family/dont care with out money/ with myself stuck/ feeling dealing/ with out money. I just know/ on the go/ lets go/ listen to these notes/ as I rip up the beat/ yes me/ no OG/ RK CheddaBeezy/ with a flow/ hitting notes/ lets go/ mini miney mo/ i be always counting on the road/ with out satin gettin/ playin/ with weight thats weighing/ not playing/ not joking/ crazy huh. I will never let go/ N O/ NO/ quit trying to get my hopes up/ with some kind/ of hope/ with time/ running out on the time/ lets go/ domt say N O/ no thats no hope.


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2 years ago

I will never let go/ even if the rose 🌹 dies in the warm/ not cold/ I shall not be/ defeated/ where im planted/ with my two feet/ until all/ shall/ see/ that we/ all have hearts/ to belive/ yes every honesly family/dont care with out money/ with myself stuck/ feeling dealing/ with out money. I just know/ on the go/ lets go/ listen to these notes/ as I rip up the beat/ yes me/ no OG/ RK CheddaBeezy/ with a flow/ hitting notes/ lets go/ mini miney mo/ i be always counting on the road/ with out satin gettin/ playin/ with weight thats weighing/ not playing/ not joking/ crazy huh. I will never let go/ N O/ NO/ quit trying to get my hopes up/ with some kind/ of hope/ with time/ running out on the time/ lets go/ domt say N O/ no thats no hope.

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