

8 Plays

21 Jan 2022

wazaza bazaza azaza nizaza hazaza hexaza mazaza pazaza souzaza ganzaza rizaza jazaza ozaza nazaza fazaza ezaza qazaza eizaza kzaza cazaza vzaza lazaza tazaza yazaza zazazazazazazazazazazZ azaza dazaza bazaza uazaza iazaza sazaza xazaza be able to make it to the meeting tonight but I don't know if you got my text about to go into the store and get some more information to you to see one of my friends is to be done by tomorrow morning if that is ok I will get it on the table and to be able to do the same thing but to be honest with you I have a few more


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3 years ago

wazaza bazaza azaza nizaza hazaza hexaza mazaza pazaza souzaza ganzaza rizaza jazaza ozaza nazaza fazaza ezaza qazaza eizaza kzaza cazaza vzaza lazaza tazaza yazaza zazazazazazazazazazazZ azaza dazaza bazaza uazaza iazaza sazaza xazaza be able to make it to the meeting tonight but I don't know if you got my text about to go into the store and get some more information to you to see one of my friends is to be done by tomorrow morning if that is ok I will get it on the table and to be able to do the same thing but to be honest with you I have a few more

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