Au batyme vais a liglise au batyme de ma batyme de ma soeur il y a des camerleron..........ja vais a liglise au batyme de ma cousine ouin ouinouin je suis content davoir une soeur et une cousine tch................tch ......tch
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Hey @m4dr1k.6716428, Thanks for the submission, let's dive into some feedback for 'Au batyme'! 💥 Headphones would be great to help improve the quality of your releases. 🎧 Your bars are too quiet, we're losing them in the beat. Bring the vocals way up next time so we can hear you! Your vocals sound a bit messy on this, try moving your mic around a little! Good effort with your timing, you are mostly on the beat here, just watch out at certain points not to lose it. 🙏 Loving the laid back vibe here! 🌊 We think you've got something, you just need a bit more work to make something great! 👌 We loved listening to your music, please share with us again! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎 vais a liglise au batyme de ma batyme de ma soeur il y a des camerleron..........ja vais a liglise au batyme de ma cousine ouin ouinouin je suis content davoir une soeur et une cousine tch................tch ......tch
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