the ERS

151 Plays

09 Jan 2022

my love for you will be forever and ever i will love u like never, defend you like fever, lift you like lever, for ya love i'm not gonna shiver, you are the only one in my livers, spend on you like a giver, cuz givers are ever likers, while likers are also lovers, make way for ya like pavers, our love will show on papers, after this love has grown bigger, then we will be together in dinners and when u realize am a sinner, then you will think am a faker, when the time is right to kiver, then you know am not a faker, and also a talker, forever you will be my lover, our love is"nt like tippers, our love will cost like silver, never mind all there jibers, we will travel away like livers, love you back again without quivers so our love can flow like rivers, then we become achievers, because of our strivers, we will make it through suffers, to become great achievers, our love will differ from others, yeah ever,yeah ever, we are ever gonna live for ever, we are gonna have some haters, while on the other hand side some likers, so cheer up, u got me behind you, love you till eternity. oooo what a lucky one. thank God this is the end of my ERS LOVERS BEFORE MARRIAGE


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