Liam Lesley

Wishlist (10:24)

Liam Lesley
Wishlist (10:24)

4 Plays

22 Dec 2021

maybe my expectations are to high? or am I? fuck now we're both stuck, In a rut to heartbreak. Just go bake a cake with all the hearts you take and maybe you won't make your last mistake. Why are all my friends fake, even my friend nate, Maybe this is just my Fate to have to masturbate and salivate over the though that I could of had a healthy brain. Ya I wrote these words. yall were pissed off I couldn't right my own verse, Maybe I should of tried playing it in reverse. So listen here you little pricks little shits, I know I missed, but I'll still flick the clit till yall are pissed. Because I'm still the fastest and will be the latest in the past tense of the future.


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3 years ago

maybe my expectations are to high? or am I? fuck now we're both stuck, In a rut to heartbreak. Just go bake a cake with all the hearts you take and maybe you won't make your last mistake. Why are all my friends fake, even my friend nate, Maybe this is just my Fate to have to masturbate and salivate over the though that I could of had a healthy brain. Ya I wrote these words. yall were pissed off I couldn't right my own verse, Maybe I should of tried playing it in reverse. So listen here you little pricks little shits, I know I missed, but I'll still flick the clit till yall are pissed. Because I'm still the fastest and will be the latest in the past tense of the future.

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