Patricia Acord
Patricia Acord

flixed under by splinter loc

flixed under by splinter loc

51 Plays

22 Dec 2021

flixed. understanding of none reacknition .public scruney head on coreligion . opeion ,ganebaner beinesses rud in contempt when you reality is your fatetal scrpted complicity brine matter a hard word, wisper silance the quietness of a dedly vearb hursh yesterday old newes loud outburst consequences carry by six a funnel black man carsit conflict and confusion a court room delusions exzibet conversational 9foot ditch . life a bitch eye witness public snitch. but its confirmed i have earned the right to burn the. litutre of ones BYO the explain epic , taboo domain a mark against the grain.exit is spell out lergic from the top of the brain.splinter loc excell nolgic vewed unrudely scrude .post sentences allowed act of attentive bad behavioral of prohapes contempted convitction.librity matters of projective ignorance spoiled bligrent.rights of equity spare me gussip idealitcal prodigy meada.broadcast gane related murder a.acttivies poligitc approach math to mathtcal equation subjection conduct electricfied puntual anticipatied scales of balance prsates i use. my talant grap the trigger iam your hinder clap game there no go figger .


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2 years ago

flixed. understanding of none reacknition .public scruney head on coreligion . opeion ,ganebaner beinesses rud in contempt when you reality is your fatetal scrpted complicity brine matter a hard word, wisper silance the quietness of a dedly vearb hursh yesterday old newes loud outburst consequences carry by six a funnel black man carsit conflict and confusion a court room delusions exzibet conversational 9foot ditch . life a bitch eye witness public snitch. but its confirmed i have earned the right to burn the. litutre of ones BYO the explain epic , taboo domain a mark against the grain.exit is spell out lergic from the top of the brain.splinter loc excell nolgic vewed unrudely scrude .post sentences allowed act of attentive bad behavioral of prohapes contempted convitction.librity matters of projective ignorance spoiled bligrent.rights of equity spare me gussip idealitcal prodigy meada.broadcast gane related murder a.acttivies poligitc approach math to mathtcal equation subjection conduct electricfied puntual anticipatied scales of balance prsates i use. my talant grap the trigger iam your hinder clap game there no go figger .

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