Buck Plusgee
Buck Plusgee

existential resolution

existential resolution

284 Plays

07 Dec 2021

#BuckPlusgee bravely defiant you set out upon staying still wouldnt do so the hill in which you were raised and grown shrinking in the rear view now its gone destination long many people said your wrong but you fpund a clue through study hard work dedication knowing deeply in your soul that timing luck and patience hastens the flipping of perspective rotations while missing the common and expected directed by your 6th sense love pf right from wrong your path wasnt easy but it most definitely is long gathering togethwr courage. and character that you built the hard way by perseverance and failure but you nevwr stayed stale so that Wont complete your tale dropping postcard s in the mail on your lofes unending trail moral is dont be giving up before you been depth of your soul deep dissolved inner self connundeum resolved K always getting restful sleep let you energy evolve


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3 years ago

#BuckPlusgee bravely defiant you set out upon staying still wouldnt do so the hill in which you were raised and grown shrinking in the rear view now its gone destination long many people said your wrong but you fpund a clue through study hard work dedication knowing deeply in your soul that timing luck and patience hastens the flipping of perspective rotations while missing the common and expected directed by your 6th sense love pf right from wrong your path wasnt easy but it most definitely is long gathering togethwr courage. and character that you built the hard way by perseverance and failure but you nevwr stayed stale so that Wont complete your tale dropping postcard s in the mail on your lofes unending trail moral is dont be giving up before you been depth of your soul deep dissolved inner self connundeum resolved K always getting restful sleep let you energy evolve

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