Wussy pussy

 Wussy pussy

30 Plays

04 Dec 2021

You’re so lanky you remind me of a twig let twiglet ye you think your well hard but really you got no bars you’re such a wimp and I’ll make you go limp limp limp you’re such a stupid pussy you think you’re cool but you’re only seven years old yeah roses are red and violets are blue aboutwraping you have no clue anyway about it stick to it because you keep fucking lakin you gotta keep a ruthum but not slithering


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3 years ago

You’re so lanky you remind me of a twig let twiglet ye you think your well hard but really you got no bars you’re such a wimp and I’ll make you go limp limp limp you’re such a stupid pussy you think you’re cool but you’re only seven years old yeah roses are red and violets are blue aboutwraping you have no clue anyway about it stick to it because you keep fucking lakin you gotta keep a ruthum but not slithering

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