
Error 404

Error 404

83 Plays


26 Nov 2021

Luke : Error 404 x5 Lolo : Error 404 As soon I walk out the door, I get on my knees and slide on the floor, I am a beastes u can tear me to pieces, inside my stomach feels like a slide, in my mind I'm super behind Error 404, Error 404 Luke : Error 404 I can't take any more, I am not a Galore, see me lying on the floor, don't wake me from my past, My minds going to fast, u see me on TV, don't go to dash, peanut pustash, I got this cash, just look at my stash, I can prove you wrong, been doing it all along, Error 404 x2 I can't hear you, "Error 404" clash Luke : Error 404 what x3 yuh x3 Lolo : Error 404 x2 as soon as you walk through the door you hear Error 404 Everyone : Peace


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πŸ”₯ πŸ“› πŸ‘©β€πŸš’ πŸš’ 🧯 πŸŽ† πŸ”₯ Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

lol, this is funny 😁 keep it up Lil man Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: On point 🎯 Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

3 years ago

Luke : Error 404 x5 Lolo : Error 404 As soon I walk out the door, I get on my knees and slide on the floor, I am a beastes u can tear me to pieces, inside my stomach feels like a slide, in my mind I'm super behind Error 404, Error 404 Luke : Error 404 I can't take any more, I am not a Galore, see me lying on the floor, don't wake me from my past, My minds going to fast, u see me on TV, don't go to dash, peanut pustash, I got this cash, just look at my stash, I can prove you wrong, been doing it all along, Error 404 x2 I can't hear you, "Error 404" clash Luke : Error 404 what x3 yuh x3 Lolo : Error 404 x2 as soon as you walk through the door you hear Error 404 Everyone : Peace

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