Sohy B
Sohy B

Free The Holy Land (Palestine)

Free The Holy Land (Palestine)

235 Plays

19 Nov 2021

#Free #Palestine Free free Palestine free Palestine free Palestine #People’s live are on the line #Facing mass massacres crimes Caused by Zionist from far Pulling triggers while hiding like a #cowered From the #river to the sea “2 Palestine will be “2 I just #hope to live long #enough to see Palestinian kids running free with no fear While parents go about life to end meats But because Israel brakes the laws And bombs school markets and homes Neither the kids nor the parents have a home They are left with empty souls and the rest are dead and gone Under debris of a 13 stories The kids call for help but no one is near No rescue team no volunteers Can reach the bodies For hours or days Until the dead decays This is happening In this age If you haven’t engaged Then You should probably engage With a post or verse or on a stage Let everyone and any one know That Palestine is about to blow So better be informed And know who’s right and wrong Because the story is nowhere near the end This where the Armageddon war will begin Better pick a side and support before the All the dead are coming back alive To support and stand aside what’s right All the souls we thought we lost To desires and neglected the cause Came back alive and stood as one As soon as the call came from Beyond the Gaza wall Millions of people Walked all as equal you can hear in the eco an awakening miracle All around the globe Universal vote Israel at fault Time to end the cult @palestine @gazakid


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8 months ago

I feel it! 🤜🤛

3 years ago

#Free #Palestine Free free Palestine free Palestine free Palestine #People’s live are on the line #Facing mass massacres crimes Caused by Zionist from far Pulling triggers while hiding like a #cowered From the #river to the sea “2 Palestine will be “2 I just #hope to live long #enough to see Palestinian kids running free with no fear While parents go about life to end meats But because Israel brakes the laws And bombs school markets and homes Neither the kids nor the parents have a home They are left with empty souls and the rest are dead and gone Under debris of a 13 stories The kids call for help but no one is near No rescue team no volunteers Can reach the bodies For hours or days Until the dead decays This is happening In this age If you haven’t engaged Then You should probably engage With a post or verse or on a stage Let everyone and any one know That Palestine is about to blow So better be informed And know who’s right and wrong Because the story is nowhere near the end This where the Armageddon war will begin Better pick a side and support before the All the dead are coming back alive To support and stand aside what’s right All the souls we thought we lost To desires and neglected the cause Came back alive and stood as one As soon as the call came from Beyond the Gaza wall Millions of people Walked all as equal you can hear in the eco an awakening miracle All around the globe Universal vote Israel at fault Time to end the cult @palestine @gazakid

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