
money calling

money calling

23 Plays


15 Nov 2021

money call me right money call me left . bitches call me right niggers call me left . demons push me left , angles call me right . gox to the left is where i loss my life . money ... is all is in my brain . bitches call me for a night to make their body hot. toke me time to notice am wrong side. sitting down money growing like a tree seed. bex so harsh is not by my will . money call me on phone tell me what to do . dox thx ur mommy never see even in de light. feelx feelx cold even in the heat . spend my hole night lying in de corfoun . have dinner late at n...ight with the demonds . stay cool. chilling living acting like a demond. takx takx risk bearing earning money. living good in light suffering in the dark . make ur body shine and make ur heart dark. ready to pay of u are asked to payback. make money look forward never look back . enter the game like a lion bearing risk . making money chasing money like a lion . having million calling billions. night are shortter places are colder death is closer just for money . bitches call Daddy because of money. niggers coming close because of money. living high thinking High because of money.


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