
9 Plays

09 Nov 2021

osadía The end story of man it is when died becouse let to be someone important in this world almost that nobody remember him.... Simplity with sucess producite for a thing that can be ocacianate for person that not think in nothing.... Nothing more in kill that hope of dream realizate from joung that it would be objetivs like one mic to start in a scena de cena de faenas dadas seguidas x expectativas con divas bailando el culo duro pa atrás meniando las caderas produciendo organismos faster como Master en ladies night... Tonight can be one night darkness and with a lot of alcohols drink that producite secundarys efects that it can be fly in imagination of a murder that mutilete your head with that oz afilada como si fuera cuentos de adams con Peter Pan al bordo gueriando con el capitán del barco conocido Garfio con garfios de anillos pa tus castigos algunos comiendo igos y Igor viendo lo sucedido like one movie in stories de TV... The reality it can be so real like dreams when you are sleeping in my head atrapado con la atrapasueños envolviendo la red de maya de telararana viendo your red blood for your ears con un silbido de aullido de un gruñido x la SANTA MUERTE come back to save your soul in The Inframundo PAL' Mundo este es Lucifer.... no te atrevas a confortar con valor lo que no puedes ver....


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osadía The end story of man it is when died becouse let to be someone important in this world almost that nobody remember him.... Simplity with sucess producite for a thing that can be ocacianate for person that not think in nothing.... Nothing more in kill that hope of dream realizate from joung that it would be objetivs like one mic to start in a scena de cena de faenas dadas seguidas x expectativas con divas bailando el culo duro pa atrás meniando las caderas produciendo organismos faster como Master en ladies night... Tonight can be one night darkness and with a lot of alcohols drink that producite secundarys efects that it can be fly in imagination of a murder that mutilete your head with that oz afilada como si fuera cuentos de adams con Peter Pan al bordo gueriando con el capitán del barco conocido Garfio con garfios de anillos pa tus castigos algunos comiendo igos y Igor viendo lo sucedido like one movie in stories de TV... The reality it can be so real like dreams when you are sleeping in my head atrapado con la atrapasueños envolviendo la red de maya de telararana viendo your red blood for your ears con un silbido de aullido de un gruñido x la SANTA MUERTE come back to save your soul in The Inframundo PAL' Mundo este es Lucifer.... no te atrevas a confortar con valor lo que no puedes ver....

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