Zandyn Ryan
Zandyn Ryan

yea yea

yea yea

17 Plays

08 Nov 2021


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3 years ago

Hey @zandynryan, Thanks for the submission, here's our thoughts on 'yea yea '! 💥 You can clean up the recording quality here by using headphones to minimize feedback! Your bars are too quiet, we're losing them in the beat. Bring the vocals way up next time so we can hear you! Work on improving how you deliver your bars and different flows to your tracks. Yess, we are liking this beat with your bars! 🎼 We think this track could use a little extra spice. Try out our vocal FX rack to give your track a little something extra. Keep making small improvements and you'll get there in no time! 👌 We can't wait to hear what else you got in store! All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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