Katie Hudson
Katie Hudson

Let them make their order

Let them make their order

22 Plays

07 Nov 2021

post traumatic stress disorder makes me feel like I'm going over the border. let them make there order whilst they place me in torture but I will be alright cos I'm no martyre I've come here to inspire I've come to inquire to walk mile after mile to make my day worthwhile while all my tracks are going on file I sit there and smile cos I know I've got good style the human race is vile when I go shopping I avoid there aisle I haven't been out of town for awhile there's a few people I would like to see get eaten by a crocodile They need to restyle. They are bitter like bile hit them over the head with a tile while the social services missfile I have to just smile and remember this is just there style that they are heartless and vile makes want to run like after mile


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got a similar track check it out #anhkmusic

2 years ago

post traumatic stress disorder makes me feel like I'm going over the border. let them make there order whilst they place me in torture but I will be alright cos I'm no martyre I've come here to inspire I've come to inquire to walk mile after mile to make my day worthwhile while all my tracks are going on file I sit there and smile cos I know I've got good style the human race is vile when I go shopping I avoid there aisle I haven't been out of town for awhile there's a few people I would like to see get eaten by a crocodile They need to restyle. They are bitter like bile hit them over the head with a tile while the social services missfile I have to just smile and remember this is just there style that they are heartless and vile makes want to run like after mile

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