
Memories R̷E̷M̷I̷X̷

Memories R̷E̷M̷I̷X̷

144 Plays

25 Oct 2021

This song is about, like I said all the memories, but this version has a little bit of us, some funny clips that if you hear some weird clips, just letting you know I'm talking about a boy, so don't be like, oh, she's weird, yes, I'm weird, but not like that, but yeah, the song, this time is about memories and having love and making love and sharing love, and also not just that, but. All the memories I want to love, I loved it all the memories that I hate, I got my heart broken all the memories, I was down all the memories, I was up the memories song, it's for my stress, anxiety, depression. Happiness, sadness, whatever you name it, and even seizures. This song is to help people that have that issue, not only that, but have Cancer, all types of diseases, this song is actually important, you like, how you just a kid, and you making these songs, ok, and what if I am a kid still, I'm very talented, I help people in need, so I'm not young, like that, ok, I actually make jewelry, I have my own job, that's not that young, that's actually pretty old, but. I wanted to be a doctor once I get older, because I thought it's important to help people in needs that has diseases, because I learned how to help people in need, what diseases I just wanted to help those out Cancer, Kenya, all of them, it don't even matter about Cancer, it could be even thyroid, too, that one, too, I want to help all of them, so where the point that they don't got to be stress over something also seizures since I have seizures, but I love y'all so much, I just want to make another song, cause I know how much you all love songs, because I forgot to pay the other good songs, but it's ok, I just want to say thank you LA for literary trusting me, loving me, showing me love makes me very happy but boi, I will tell you this man that. Is amazing to me, he loves me, he shows me all respect, I need, so I'm lucky today, very so to all my precious ladies, this song is for you, too, this song is for anyone, ok? Yes, there's some parts that are weird, but OK, that's not the boy, because there's 2 ok to all of them, but it's funny, that's the point, why I did that, I did it to make it funny, but at the same time, you're in love you don't want to go, you just want to stay in your role, you just want to stay in your lane. You don't want no bones in your lain that people will hate you, and then they returned, then they be faking, then they really love you, trust and love you, then they really be hated, then they really don't know what they saying, because they're bang, ok, that hit it, and I was not trying to really rap, but I just did, but that's what I mean by this song's for anyone, it's just a love song instead of the other memory song, because the memories, the other one, this one, and the other one is different, because the first one that I did. It was just having fun with someone, this one is actually having lovemaking, love, all that stuff that you will love to hear. So if you love, love making better, come here, because this is it, this is the song, so just to all my lovely ladies and all my handsome man, this is for y'all ok, and it could be for any age, all my songs could be for any age, just letting you know you will be 13, is still in a relationship with this song for you, it don't matter your age and magic spot your personality, and if you enjoy my music, if you enjoy keep listening to this shit again, I know. I'm fired, I know that I got lifted up like my whole thing is getting hyper and hyper. I'm getting better and better by these months, because I remember months ago, I was so trash, but I had all these freaking views for nothing, and look at me now, I'm regretting them back, but I remember I was in love, I was rapping, rapping, was not really my thing, the singing was not that good, but the rapping was pretty good when I did you, our star, that song really was good now that one I did really good for singing, but I kind of was off beat so. I had to redo it again, and I can make a remix to, if y'all want, I could keep making remix to my old songs and make them a better songs, I'm just testing you that all these songs, I made so far, literary bangers, but some of my old songs are bangers, too. But I remember a lot of cringy ones, so don't try to come here for me and say, oh, but you're by the, oh, no, I'm not because there's some songs that are bad that I made with my face on it, trust me, love songs that I made in 2020. There was good but not good enough like this year 2021 I'm making better love songs so that's why I'm saying I'm compared to that year I'm getting better so that's the good thing about on this app that I enjoy I enjoy rapping and singing but I don't really rap like that you know y'all guys know that I don't rap anymore like that I used to rap all the time that I was very trash so I had to switch up the flow and go with something new since I was off here for 8 months which is a long time so I'm saying is that keep the work up keep the limits you think you're a good rapper good singer do it, do it cause you love it don't do it cause you hate it, or you don't want to do it if this is not your thing, don't do it if this is your thing, do it, do it, to help people in on the people, that's what I do, I do this because I love music, I enjoy doing it, I enjoy making music for a man and woman, and ladies and little ladies, so if you're here for this, just let me know because I could keep making these remix, I'm not joking, I will do it, but keep this assessor just because someone says that you're not successful, that does not give them a right to be rude you ok, just remember that you will always be. And you'll always have success, and I meant lovely for the first one, because I'm about to hit 900, and it has been a long time. I'm so surprised that my followers are going up every thing with time, I have a new song, so guess what? Since y'all love these new songs so much might as well Mabey post daily, we will see we will see, ok, so don't get too excited, because I don't know yet, ok, but I really do make him messing music, I really miss it, I really making music with this dude, and I really miss making music every day, but we will see about daily on the day. Daily so yes we will see about that and if you don't want that let me know because I will bring it to the off y'all want that's up to y'all if y'all say yes then I'm bringing it up but job better bring them likes up and the comments y'all better bring me back to what I was in 2021 but not the rapping not the other stuff but I mean 2020 and then back to 2021 y'all better bringing it back because I'm staying on this app when I'm like on 2022 I'm gonna be here so you better like them like so I swear if you don't then I'm not doing it no more OK I'm not doing no daily stuff no nothing I'm gonna do it weekly. Or monthly so better like them, likes up and the comments, and thank you, because why? Because I feel like nobody like my music, like that, so thank you at least get me to like 6 comments, 8 7th comments 13th fucking comments, and I'll be good that's all I didn't mean to cuss, but you know what I mean, so yeah, I'm out at this bitch, so see, ya later, I will be posted, and yes, I am going back to the rap fame chat. So if you ever see my name, or everything are a few see me hating on people, that means I'm trolling ok, I still troll people, because you never know who to trust, so you think my bars are lame, wait until you hear my music, and then you will change your mind.


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3 years ago



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