

19 Plays

08 Mar 2017

Can you imagine A world without grenades flashin A world without people torturing their victims through lashing A world where people arent killing near extinct animals for fashion A world where people dont live life day by day ration to ration This world is filled with so many negatives Like our President many people are sick, but they arent given any medicine they dont have the money to cover all of the expenses Cause companies decide on raising the price for the hell of it This is the world we live in This planet's where we're living Where we're surrounded by hate while love and kindness are hidden Do You think I'm kidding you really think all of this isnt Happening, Well then let me give you a piece of wisdom You were one of the lucky few To live the happy life that you do Cause others live without food, a house and water too 780 million lives without access to Clean water, and here we use it to flush all our crap down the sewer 1 in 9 people live their lives without food to eat While so many places and people give food for the landfills to keep It's ridiculous cause we can feed those in need but we never think about those who dont consume a single calorie What makes this whole thing worse is I havent scratched the surface Thinking about where this world is heading just makes me nervous I dont follow a religion, but I will go to service To help strengthen the peace and love in this world as my purpose I'll do what I can to keep this word from turning to darkness and to keep it from burning All this is very concering Cause once we go into a world of darkness, I know there isnt going to be any way of returning


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7 years ago

since I'm getting hated on I'm not asking for votes but I would appreciate a listen when you get a chance

7 years ago

Can you imagine A world without grenades flashin A world without people torturing their victims through lashing A world where people arent killing near extinct animals for fashion A world where people dont live life day by day ration to ration This world is filled with so many negatives Like our President many people are sick, but they arent given any medicine they dont have the money to cover all of the expenses Cause companies decide on raising the price for the hell of it This is the world we live in This planet's where we're living Where we're surrounded by hate while love and kindness are hidden Do You think I'm kidding you really think all of this isnt Happening, Well then let me give you a piece of wisdom You were one of the lucky few To live the happy life that you do Cause others live without food, a house and water too 780 million lives without access to Clean water, and here we use it to flush all our crap down the sewer 1 in 9 people live their lives without food to eat While so many places and people give food for the landfills to keep It's ridiculous cause we can feed those in need but we never think about those who dont consume a single calorie What makes this whole thing worse is I havent scratched the surface Thinking about where this world is heading just makes me nervous I dont follow a religion, but I will go to service To help strengthen the peace and love in this world as my purpose I'll do what I can to keep this word from turning to darkness and to keep it from burning All this is very concering Cause once we go into a world of darkness, I know there isnt going to be any way of returning

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