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Temple Fynest(w.a.t.c)



SPARTANS/W.A.T.C As new former Leader of this crew it's only right I lead by example...Any artist I select has to do j4j no way around it, must communicate and stay active to still be on my roster..In doing so and showing loyalty there's perks to being apart of this crew..I make beats I look to help get that art on all major platforms...It's about networking and making things happen..I collaborate with artists as I see fit it's not a must but it wouldn't hurt..Respect others as you wanna be respected and we can ride this til the wheels fall off also every person must enter tournaments win or lose I will salute you in my way cash prizes gifts what have you..Last but not least if you give a track all you got then that's all you can ask for..Keep pushing for greatness and let the pieces fall where they may..I will have contests for every crew member in every division of thr W.A.T.C so hold your head high because "We Are The Spartans "

